CDN overview

CDN stands for Content Delivery Network, which is a system of servers placed in various locations worldwide to distribute traffic and deliver content to users quickly and efficiently. CDN optimizes data transmission by routing user requests to the nearest server location, minimizing response time, and enhancing access speed for users. Additionally, CDN helps alleviate pressure on origin servers, protects websites from DDoS attacks, and improves scalability and website availability.

The fundamental challenges that e-commerce platforms must confront?

Low transmission speed and unstable performance

The delay in receiving feedback from the system or temporary interruptions in access can test the patience of customers and lead them to consider alternative online shopping platforms. According to Google's 2023 User Experience Survey, if an e-commerce website takes around 5 seconds to load, it can result in a 53% decrease in conversion rates and a loss of 75% potential customers. Moreover, revenue could decrease by up to 20%. This highlights the importance of optimizing website loading speed to maintain and enhance business performance.

Unstable performance can also result in unexpected issues during the product or service experience when customers engage in shopping. Issues such as failed transactions, loss of connection, or even loss of critical data can erode customer trust, impacting the reputation and credibility of the business.

A prime example of such unwanted incidents could be payment transaction errors or loss of connection during online shopping. These issues can lead to significant losses, with 70% of customers abandoning their shopping experience due to poor performance, thereby affecting the brand reputation of the business, according to Google's 2023 User Experience Survey.

The loss of user shopping data

The loss of revenue is one of the concerning consequences when user shopping data is lost. Shopping data includes information about orders, carts, purchase history, and important traces of customer behavior. This is not only a vital source of information for businesses to better understand their market and customers but also the foundation for optimizing marketing and sales strategies.

When data loss occurs, businesses face difficulties in tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of their operations. Without accurate information about customers and shopping behavior, decisions regarding marketing, product offerings, and services become less grounded. Consequently, businesses may miss out on opportunities to reach potential customers and fail to maintain or enhance revenue as intended.

The security and information safety of the enterprise

In today's landscape, amidst the increasingly complex cybersecurity environment, e-commerce businesses must contend with the risk of sophisticated cyberattacks, often accompanied by substantial traffic volumes. When an attack occurs, websites may face disruptions, rendering them inaccessible, leading to slowdowns in website operations and impacting revenue.

According to the 2022 Vietnam Cybersecurity Report from the National Cybersecurity Monitoring Center (NCSC), information indicates that 70% of businesses in Vietnam encountered cyberattacks in 2022. These attacks resulted in an average damage of up to 5 billion VND per affected business. Additionally, up to 30% of businesses targeted by cyberattacks had to suspend operations for approximately 10 days to address the aftermath of the attack.

Incompatibility with various devices

The ability to be compatible across multiple devices is a critical factor in enhancing user shopping experiences in the e-commerce sector. Incompatibility of websites or e-commerce applications with various devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets can pose numerous challenges and negative consequences for businesses.

The ramifications of lacking multi-device compatibility may include issues such as decreased conversion rates, as users encounter difficulties accessing, shopping, or making payments on websites or applications that are not compatible with their devices, leading to transaction cancellations and revenue loss. Additionally, an increase in bounce rates is a common consequence, as users may exit the website or application if they do not have a satisfactory experience on their device.

Furthermore, the lack of multi-device compatibility can also damage the brand reputation of the business, as this capability reflects professionalism and reliability. Incompatibility can erode user trust, prompting them to switch to competitors services. Ultimately, restricting access to customers is also a significant concern, as businesses may miss out on the opportunity to reach a large number of potential customers due to the lack of multi-device compatibility.

How does a Content Delivery Network (CDN) address the challenges of e-commerce platforms?

Boosting page loading speed

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) utilizes a global network of distributed servers to store copies of content and distribute resources from the server nearest to the user. Consequently, CDN helps accelerate page loading speed, reduce content access time, and enhance user experience. This aids in smoother and more stable operation of the e-commerce business website, particularly under high traffic conditions. A well-performing website contributes to increased customer satisfaction, decreased bounce rates, and increased time spent on the site.

This is a crucial factor in the e-commerce platform, where fast page loading speeds attract customers, drive conversion rates, and boost revenue.

Increasing scalability

CDN, through distributing load across multiple servers, enhances the system's ability to handle heavy traffic. This ensures that the website can accommodate a large number of users simultaneously, particularly during major sales events or peak seasons. Therefore, CDN not only helps increase revenue but also reinforces the brand reputation of the business.

Protecting the platform against DDoS attacks

In the face of threats posed by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks targeting Layer 3,4, CDNs provide a range of protective mechanisms to prevent and minimize the impact of DDoS attacks. One of the most crucial ways in which CDNs help protect websites is by distributing the load of web requests across multiple servers worldwide. This helps alleviate pressure on the origin server and prevents overload when facing a large number of requests from attackers. Additionally, CDNs have the capability to filter out invalid requests from attackers, such as spoofed or overwhelming requests, thereby thwarting DDoS attacks from their source. This helps safeguard the business platform, minimizing damage from such attacks

Increasing the opportunity to appear on search engines

According to Searchmetrics, 70% of SEO factors are related to website performance. Increasing page loading speed and enhancing website performance through CDN can also improve the ranking of the website on search engines like Google, creating opportunities to attract customers through internet searches and increase revenue for the business.

VNCDN - A comprehensive solution for e-commerce platforms

VNCDN Solution is the leading CDN solution in Asia today, developed by VNETWORK Corporation, ensuring fast content delivery speed and an uptime rate of up to 99.9% for businesses' e-commerce websites/applications. With advanced CDN technology, VNCDN enhances business efficiency and user experience while reducing system operation costs and protecting information on the website.

Boasting a robust infrastructure with NVMe+ and SSD standard servers

VNETWORK owns a robust infrastructure with over 280 Points of Presence (POP) in 33 countries worldwide, built on advanced technology platforms that meet international standards for reliability, security, and performance. With international uplink bandwidth of up to 57 Tbps, VNETWORK's VNCDN solution delivers high-quality transmission services, meeting the needs of businesses and organizations globally.

VNETWORK's infrastructure is expanded across leading data centers and meets tier 3 standards throughout Vietnam, including Viettel, FPT, VNPT, and Mobifone. With a total domestic uplink bandwidth of up to 10 Tbps, the VNCDN system can serve over 5 million concurrent users and successfully handle more than 8 billion requests per day.

Moreover, VNCDN utilizes NVMe+ and SSD standard servers to accelerate data transmission speed and enhance website performance. NVMe standard servers connect to the Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) port on the mainboard. Compared to SATA standard servers, NVMe+ and SSD standard servers have reading and writing speeds up to 3 to 6 times faster, reducing website loading times and improving user experience. This enables low-latency content delivery worldwide."

Smart technology featuring HTTP/3 protocol and Origin Shield functionality

Supporting the HTTP/3 protocol brings significant feature enhancements, enhancing user experience across all devices. Built on QUIC, the protocol offers higher security compared to TCP, the underlying protocol for HTTP/2. QUIC features such as 0-RTT reduce connection establishment time and integrated encryption ensures data protection throughout transmission.

Additionally, VNCDN is equipped with Origin Shield functionality to intelligently distribute stored content, reducing pressure on origin servers and optimizing traffic, thereby improving overall CDN system performance.

These technologies combine to create an intelligent, flexible, and efficient VNCDN solution, enabling businesses to maximize the benefits of VNETWORK's CDN usage

24/7 monitoring and support

Not only enhancing performance and reliability for websites, but VNETWORK also places particular emphasis on its ability to respond to emergency situations for businesses. VNETWORK's SOC team, consisting of experienced experts worldwide, supports businesses in managing and responding to intrusion or attack incidents, minimizing potential damage. Rapid response capability and deep expertise are crucial factors enabling VNETWORK's SOC team to effectively protect businesses from cybersecurity risks


With its outstanding advantages, VNCDN stands as an effective and reliable CDN solution for today's e-commerce businesses. Contact us today at hotline: (028) 7306 8789 or contact@vnetwork for detailed consultation and experience of a 7-day trial package with the exclusive offer of 1TB from VNCDN.